Our story
Self is a creative studio based in London. We build brands, apps and websites that people love and use all over the world. Founded by Cambridge and Sciences Po graduates with a background in design, communications and philosophy, Self Studio brings together 10+ years of experience in creating products within the realms of wellness, leisure, arts and culture, education and finance. We are passionate about authenticity, exploring what makes brands and products unique and meaningful. The word authentic comes from ancient Greek, ‘autos entos’ = ‘being self’. This is the narrative behind our studio’s naming, and the thinking we are exploring in our craft. We help our partners become their truest most authentic Selves.

High-profile teamsYou get a dedicated team led by senior-level designers, engineers and managers to build a product that matches your expectations.

ResponsibilityThe directors of the Studio are personally involved in project setup and quality control, bringing vision and strategic choices, and implementing processes to ensure exceptional results.

Deep integrationWe value instant and organised communication to hear your needs in a timely manner and deliver within a predictable timeframe.

Limitless creativityWe believe in unrestrained creativity, risk taking, daring to be different, and dreaming.
ClientsThe majority of our clients choose to remain long-term partners, which we consider a testament to the high quality of our work and consistent delivery. We enjoy working with those who seek out the authentic, take risks, and believe in humanity.