You’re reading this to learn what a brand positioning agency does. Brand positioning is a subtle art; in the fast-paced realm of modern commerce, where competition is as rampant as the ambitions that fuel it, agencies emerge as the architects of market identity. Brand positioning agencies possess a unique ability to turn the mundane into the extraordinary, transforming how a brand is perceived in the crowded marketplace.

Recently we undertook the branding work for a wellness platform previously caught in the quagmire of corporate anonymity, inKin. Our challenge: to infuse life and character into a brand that, while established, had become lost in a sea of competitors.

The essence of brand positioning lies in its ability to distill a company's ethos into a palpable and relatable identity. First we’ll take an example of how it works, before drawing this out into a more general process.

Repositioning inKin: our moment of insight

In the case of inKin, the task was to pivot from a metrics-focused entity to one that championed human-centric values. This strategic shift was not merely about changing logos or taglines but about reimagining the very soul of the brand.

Self Studio's approach was grounded in age-old principles of human connection. We envisioned inKin not just as a service but as a 'wellness playground', a communal space fostering belonging, interaction, and holistic well-being. This metaphorical transformation was our flash of insight, aligning with the growing societal focus on mental health and community.

In terms of visuals, we drew inspiration from urban design and architecture, symbolizing adaptability and openness. The choice of Sul Sans as the typography, reminiscent of Portuguese signage, was a careful decision: we wanted to reflect a commitment to clarity, direction, and a sense of belonging – the core tenets of inKin's new identity.

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Like all well executed branding projects, positioning starts with strong research. And when brand positioning agencies embark on their research, several key factors must be considered.

Firstly, deep knowledge of the target audience is paramount. This involves delving into the demographics, psychographics, and behaviors of the potential customers, seeking to understand their desires, needs, and pain points. Many ideas can come from how your customers already talk about the market and the problems your product is trying to solve.

Equally important is a thorough analysis of the competitive landscape. This is not just about identifying competitors but understanding their positioning, messaging, and the perceptual gaps in the market that can be exploited. You might find conversational patterns or pain points undiscussed by any of the competition. 

Market trends and patterns also play a crucial role. Agencies must be attuned to the changing tides of consumer preferences, technological advancements, and societal shifts. This foresight enables a brand to not only align with the current market but also anticipate future changes.

Finally, an introspective look into the brand itself is essential. This includes its history, core values, unique selling propositions, and existing perceptions. A deep understanding of the brand forms the bedrock upon which a new, resonant positioning can be built. A brand is best crafted around a story - this relates to how that brand first came into existence and how customers and consumers can form part of that journey.

Reimagining inKin as a playground, we turned to urban design & architecture for visual inspiration. Behind the logo is the idea of an open space that changes and adapts to the activities and groups within it - as any functional public space should. Our aim was to establish a sense of openness to change, a free environment where every team member can be themselves - which is what inKin is all about: flexibility, curiosity, personality. Seeing typography as a wayfinding mechanism within the playground we chose Sul Sans, a geometrically constructed font used on signs and buildings in Portugal.

These considerations are pivotal in crafting a brand positioning that resonates deeply with the intended audience, ensuring relevance, distinctiveness, and a strong emotional connection.

Our final thoughts

The transformation of inKin shows brand positioning agencies do not merely change perceptions; they excavate the buried narratives within a brand, bringing them to the forefront of consumer consciousness. In a world increasingly driven by narratives, these agencies hold the quill that writes the stories leading brands to their deserved spotlight.

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We're experts with branding & rebranding for websites, apps and offline projects across a number of sectors.

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In conclusion, the role of a brand positioning agency is akin to that of a storyteller, weaving together elements of a brand's identity, philosophy, and aspirations into a coherent, compelling narrative. As in the case of inKin, the result is not just a new logo or a marketing campaign, but a reinvigorated brand, poised to make its mark with renewed vigor and clarity in the ever-evolving market landscape.